Bring your favorite potluck dish and join us as we gather with Democratic Women from across Region 2. Because the Democratic Women of Cleveland County are one of the most active Democratic Women groups around, they have been asked to host this annual gathering for 2023. Dr. Kimberly Hardy, North Carolina Democratic Party and North…
Change starts at the local level. Please support your local Democratic candidates by at least purchasing one or more tickets to PANCAKES FOR PROGRESS. Then join us on Saturday, July 29, 2023 for a pancake breakfast that will also include bacon, sausage, grits, juice and coffee. Breakfast will be served from 8 AM to 10…
We are excited to welcome our special guests this month, Senator Rachel Hunt, candidate for Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, and NCDP Chair Anderson Clayton. Talk about a dynamic duo! Senator Rachel Hunt is the daughter of our beloved former Governor Jim Hunt. She's quite accomplished in her own right. Many see some of the same qualities and…